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Paper 2021/1367

Hybrid Steganography deployed in hospitals for compression of medical images

Avinash Vijayarangan, K. R. Sekar, and R. Srikanth


With the fast-growing technology and emerging innovations in the research arena, privacy and preservation of data predominantly in the medical field are highly essential. At the same time, there is a need for minimized storage of voluminous data in the medical repository. The inspiration for this research work to formulate the hybrid methodologies using improved Steganography, wavelet transform, and lossless compression for privacy and preservation of medical big data images and patient information in the medical big data repositories. The novelty of the work focuses on the preservation of patient’s information using enhanced security and optimized big data image storage, which helps the pharmacology professionals to store double the amount of information in the same storage space of the medical big data repository. The secure storage, fast retrieval of image, and minimum computation are the basic ideology of the work. The research work adopts a fast and optimized approach of the Knight Tour algorithm for embedding the patient’s data in their medical image and a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) for the safeguarding of the cover image. Furthermore, a lossless wavelet packet compression is applied to minimize the storage size and to maximize storage efficiency. The outcome of the work achieves a higher level of data security without loss in the quality of the image. In addition, the preservation of the reduced size image will be easy to accommodate and can store bountiful images in the repository. A proposed hybrid method of compression in order to get high resolution on spatial and frequency domains will provide an edge.

Note: Hybrid Steganography algorithms are deployed to compress medical images of patients. A novel approach, industry oriented and emerging innovation. We are withdrawing this paper due to revision.

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-- withdrawn --
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Big medical DataData SecurityKnight TourSteganography
Contact author(s)
avinash vijayarangan @ gmail com
2021-10-17: withdrawn
2021-10-12: received
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