Paper 2022/593

On the Security Proof of CKO+21 Secret Sharing Scheme

Yupu Hu, Shanshan Zhang, Baocang Wang, and Siyue Dong


On CRYPTO2021, Nishanth Chandran, Bhavana Kanukurthi, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana Obattu, and Sruthi Sekar presented a novel secret sharing scheme, called CKO+21 scheme. This scheme makes use of Shamir secret sharing schemes and randomness extractors as its basic components, to generate a multi-layer encapsulation structure. The authors claimed that CKO+21 scheme satisfied “leakage resilience”, that is, the privacy still held under both “not enough revealing” and “appropriate leakage”. More important is that authors presented a bulky proof for the security of CKO+21 scheme. In this paper we only consider the simple case of \((n,t)\) threshold secret sharing. We find following 5 facts about CKO+21 scheme, which are the basic reasons we negate the security proof of CKO+21 scheme. (1) In the expression of share of CKO+21 scheme, some bottom Shamir share is simply included, rather than encapsulated. (2) The leakage of the share is not a random leakage, but rather related to the inquiry of the attacker, that is, a chosen leakage. (3) The permitted leakage length of each share is proportional to the share length. (4) The bottom Shamir scheme has such special feature: when the length of the share $l^{*}$ is kept unchanged, it can make the number of shares $n$, the threshold value $t$, and the difference value $n-t+1$ any large, as long as $t<n$. (5) There is no additional assumption for the bottom Shamir scheme, especially no clear negating its “leakage recoverability” and “contaminated leakage irrecoverability”, defined in this paper. In this paper we point that, CKO+21 scheme didn’t successfully prove its security. As long as the bottom Shamir secret sharing scheme satisfies both “leakage recoverability” and “contaminated leakage irrecoverability”, the security proof of CKO+21 scheme is wrong. It needs to be pointed out that “leakage recoverability” and “contaminated leakage irrecoverability” cannot be naturally negated by “privacy” of Shamir scheme, and up to now there is not a proof that Shamir scheme doesn’t satisfy “leakage recoverability” or “contaminated leakage irrecoverability”. The detailed contribution of this paper is as follow. CKO+21 scheme designed several leakage models: \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_0}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_1}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_1}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_2}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_2}\),$\cdots$,\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_h}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_h}\),\(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{C}}\), where \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_0}\) is the practical leakage model, \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{C}}\) is a leakage model independent of the secret message. CKO+21 scheme claimed that an attacker cannot distinguish two adjacent leakage models, so the scheme is “leakage resilient”. We point that, if the bottom Shamir scheme satisfies both “leakage recoverability” and “contaminated leakage irrecoverability”, the attacker can distinguish \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_0}\) and \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_1}\) with non-negligible probability. Besides, if the bottom Shamir scheme doesn’t satisfy “leakage recoverability”. Shamir scheme itself has some ability to resist leakage, and the bulky structure of CKO+21 scheme is not necessary. When leakage function is extended to general function, the security proof of CKO+21 scheme can be more easily negated. Because CKO+21 scheme didn’t clearly restrict the range of leakage function (In fact, leakage function should be restricted within the range of simple functions), this paper chooses a $P/poly$ function as the leakage function, enabling an attacker to distinguish \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_0}\) and \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_1}\) simpler and quicker. Detailedly speaking, under the first explaining of Shamir parameters, the attacker inquires the higher $\tau$ bits of a modular $p$ linear function of the bottom Shamir share from each share, then distinguishes \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{B}_0}\) and \(\mathsf{Leak}{\mathsf{A}_1}\) simpler and quicker.

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Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Secret Sharing (SS)Random ExtractorLeakage Resilient Secret Sharing (LRSS)
Contact author(s)
yphu @ mail xidian edu cn
2022-05-25: withdrawn
2022-05-17: received
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